Dienstag, Januar 31, 2012

restore from xfs (and more)

Nach langer Suche und vielem Ausprobieren bin ich auf dieses kleine Programm gestossen: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Download Ich kann nur sagen: Daumen hoch!

Freitag, Januar 27, 2012

wissenswertes ueber sshfs

Unmounten von sshfs

umount sshfs/host
klappt als user nicht, dafuer gibt es
fusermount -u sshfs/host
hier gefunden.

git ueber sshfs

beim mounten sollte man auf die option workaround=rename achten
sshfs -oworkaround=rename host:/home/ sshfs/host/
Dann klappts auch mit git. hier gefunden.

Mittwoch, Januar 25, 2012

bash script um die ati treiber in ubuntu erneut zu installieren

Meine aktuellen ATI Treiber liegen im Download Verzeichnis.
sudo aptitude install linux-headers-`uname -r`

cd ~/Downloads/
ATIRUNNER=$(ls ati*|tail -1)
chmod +x $ATIRUNNER
./$ATIRUNNER --buildpkg Ubuntu/oneiric
sudo dpkg -i fglrx_*.deb
sudo dpkg -i fglrx-amdcccle*.deb

rm fglrx*.deb fglrx*.changes

cd -

Dienstag, Januar 17, 2012

Share git using ssh server

Sharing over ssh is similar to sharing it over a filesystem.

Preparing the repository

# On the SSH server we assume /srv/git as the central repository place and will create a new project-X dir
$ cd /srv/git
$ mkdir project-X       
$ cd project-X

# now we initialize this directory
# but instead of using git init, we use  git --bare init
$ git --bare init

Pushing your local repository to the shared repository

# First go to your local repository
$ cd $HOME/project-X
# create local git
$ git init
# Then make the link to the shared repository
$ git remote add origin ssh://user@gitserver/var/git/project-X

# We push to the remote repository
$ git push origin master

Controlling access 
To have access, all users must have an account on the ssh server. So that means user-add for each user. 
Permissions are handled by filesystem permissions. You could create two groups: project-X-read, project-X-write.
To set these different group permissions you could use:

Accessing the repository

# Another user can now clone the repository using:
$ git clone file:///share/git/project-X
# Change something
$ ....
# Commit the changes
$ git commit -a
# Push the changes to the central repository
$ git push

Freitag, Januar 13, 2012

Sidebox als Grundlage einer Rounded Corner Box

Das Original konnte ich nur noch unter

<div class="sidebox">
    <div class="boxhead">
        <h2>Test Headline</h2>
    <div class="boxbody">
        This is a short sample paragraph.</br>
        And another one.

The CSS:

/* Show only to IE PC \*/
* html .boxhead h2 {height: 1%;} /* For IE 5 PC */

.sidebox {
margin: 0 auto; /* center for now */
width: 17em; /* ems so it will grow */
background: url(sbbody-r.gif) no-repeat bottom right;
font-size: 100%;
.boxhead {
background: url(sbhead-r.gif) no-repeat top right;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
text-align: center;
.boxhead h2 {
background: url(sbhead-l.gif) no-repeat top left;
margin: 0;
padding: 22px 30px 5px;
color: white;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 1.2em;
line-height: 1em;
text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,.4) 0px 2px 5px; /* Safari-only, but cool */
.boxbody {
background: url(sbbody-l.gif) no-repeat bottom left;
margin: 0;
padding: 5px 30px 31px;

Donnerstag, Januar 12, 2012

Links aus TB in Chrome oeffnen

  1. in Thunderbird go to Edit / Preferences / Advanced / General / Configuration Editor
  2. change network.protocol-handler.warn-external.http and network.protocol-handler.warn-external.https to "true"
  3. Click on any link in tb
  4. navigate to /usr/bin/google-chrome
  5. have fun
Nebenbei sollte man noch
$ gconftool-2 --type string -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http/command "google-chrome %s"